one Tree Planted: an Initiative for all
One Tree Planted, a non-profit organization, working on a network of organizations and individuals, is planting trees, with goals of global reforestation.
All images and videos © One Tree Planted
One Tree Planted is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to global reforestation. They plant trees to restore nature and biodiversity. One Tree Planted raises awareness about the importance of trees, and offer businesses like theirs a simple sustainability solution, and motivate younger generations to do something positive for the environment. Their projects span the globe, in 18 different countries, and are done in partnership with local communities and knowledgeable experts to create an impact for nature, people, and wildlife. Reforestation helps to rebuild forests after fires and floods, provide jobs for social impact, and restore biodiversity. Many projects have overlapping objectives, creating a combination of benefits that contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.Â
The average mature tree is capable of sequestering 48 lbs of carbon each year. global deforestation keeps happening at an alarming rate, initiatives like One Tree Planted has huge impact in making a positive change. From habitats of Orangutans in Indonesia, to the Orca whales of the Pacific Northwest, One Tree Planted has helped rebuild and protect the several habitats of indigenous wildlife.
“We care deeply about the planet and creating a business that gives back to nature.Trees clean our air and water, create habitats for biodiversity, contribute to our health and wellbeing, and create jobs for social impact. “
Learn more about One Tree Planted here.