
30 MARCH 2021

Liter Of Light: Lighting Homes Sustainably And At Low Cost

Liter of Light is a charitable organization that provides low-cost light tube, powered using solar energy, providing daytime interior lighting for dwellings with thin roof. 

Liter Of Light: Low Cost Solar Light

Images © Liter Of Light

Founded in 2011 by MyShelter Foundation, the Liter of Light programme aims to provide low-cost lighting solutions to poor communities in the Philippines and around the world. Their open source technology has been recognized by the UN nd adopted for use in some UNHCR camps. Liter of Light volunteers teach marginalized communities how to use recycled plastic bottles and locally sourced materials to illuminate their homes, businesses, and streets.
Liter Of Light: Low Cost Solar Light
The community-built solar battery kit for solar reading lanterns, mobile chargers or street lights. Micro solar panels, solarettes and other electronic parts, which are widely available, are assembled by local communities and women’s cooperatives. With a simple circuit panel, drill, and soldering, a solar LED night light is built and installed. This makes deployment in energy-poor or disaster areas quicker as solar products can be built from local parts, using local skills, all while creating a livelihood in the process.  
Liter Of Light: Low Cost Solar Light
With their innovative solution, Liter of Light has uplifted the quality of life of over 145,200 families in over 15 countries.  Their primary business model in the community is training a cooperative group of five women on how to build their technologies. The group is provided  with the materials and tools required to build their lights. Once the training is completed, the women will be able to sell the solar reading lanterns they make., including a suggested 20% retainer fee which they keep for when which they use to pay off the initial capital investment. 
Liter Of Light: Low Cost Solar Light
Liter of Light is the proud recipient of the 2016 St. Andrews Prize for the Environment, the 2015 Zayed Future Energy Prize, and a winner of the 2014-2015 World Habitat Award. You can also become an ‘ambassador of light’ and  volunteer with the team. Find out more about the initiative on their website. 
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