Environmentally Responsible Suctioncup-Lamp Neozoon
Designed by a team of designers and engineers,  Neozoon  is a portable, rechargeable-battery powered lamp, which can be mounted onto almost any surface, thanks to its suction cap. 
This playful, innovative product was designed by Neozoon’s group of designers, engineers, and marketing specialists reflecting their passion for fun-centered but responsible  products to the design of the lamp.
Environmentally Responsible Suctioncup-Lamp Neozoon

“During the last year, all of us got extremely restricted in our mobility and we all had to stay most of the time at home. The Startup Neozoon  took this chance to think about how we use products in our living spaces. How our homes could become more changeable, interactive and playful? The result is Neozoon, a product that can give us some mobility and freedom back and literally makes our surroundings a little brighter.”

Environmentally Responsible Suctioncup-Lamp Neozoon
The Neozoon lamp is lightweight, robust and mobile, which makes it perfect for travelers. The rechargeable battery can last up to 12 hours and  ensures that you don’t have to carry extra batteries for your compact, portable lamp.  The brightness can be also dimmed down, to use for late-night reading sessions. 
Environmentally Responsible Suctioncup-Lamp Neozoon
Neozoon is socially and environmentally responsible, manufactured in Germany only using premium materials. It’s designed using the cradle-to-cradle approach, this means Neozoon is almost 100% recyclable. The team has chosen premium materials for Neozoon, including aerospace grade aluminium and medical grade silicone. 
Environmentally Responsible Suctioncup-Lamp Neozoon
For preordering and more information, check out Neozoon’s website.
Product Images
Product Video
Project as submitted by Neozoon.