Daydreamers, a Hong Kong based design studio has built a spiraling pavilion from recycled plastic bricks. Created for Hong Kong’s mid-autumn Festival celebration,  the Wishing Pavilion is situated in Victoria Park, reinterpreting the traditional burning tower into a circular form with double helix layout, leading the visitor around the burning lantern sculpture in the center.     
Daydreamers Studio Builds Pavilion from Recycled Plastic Bricks
The 5000 plastic bricks used in the Wishing Pavilion project were created by recycled plastic, High-Density Polyethylene(HDPE/Type 2 Plastic, commonly found in plastic bottles, shampoo bottles and plastic toys. This material has a high melting point which allows the material to go through the moulding process and transform into a 3mm light permeable plastic brick, with seven gradient colors from yellow to red, adding the visual resemblance to the shades of fire. LED lights are used to light up the pavilion to add to the flame-like visual experience. With the help of sound effects and music, the Wishing Pavilion turns into an an incredible experience for the visitors.   
Daydreamers Studio Builds Pavilion from Recycled Plastic Bricks

Standing six-meter-high, the self-standing structure does not have foundation work, due to its temporary nature. Ten-meter wide arches on East and West sides mark the entrance and exit, guiding the visitor to walk on the spiraling path leading to the Burning Lantern sculpture, designed geometrically reflecting the traditional paper lantern crafting technique. There are seven circular skylight opening at the center, which captured the moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival. 

Daydreamers Studio Builds Pavilion from Recycled Plastic Bricks

This project was commissioned by Leisure and Cultural Services Department, the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The pavilion recorded a unique moment of Hong Kong with a contemporary, vibrant hue, and an informative initiative towards sustainable design.

Daydreamers Studio Builds Pavilion from Recycled Plastic Bricks
